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Prophylactic Antibiotics are Unnecessary for Routine CO2 Laser Burn Scar Treatment.

CO2 ablative fractional laser (CO2 AFL) therapy is a safe and effective procedure when used in the treatment of hypertrophic scars for burn patients. It has a high patient satisfaction rate and a minimal side effect profile, typically consisting of postoperative pain, irritation, surgical site inflammation, and, in rare cases, infection. Although prophylactic antibiotics have historically been recommended, there is a paucity of literature on the topic and recent studies indicate that they may be unnecessary in routine cases. In this retrospective, single center descriptive study, 230 cases in patients with hypertrophic burn scars treated with CO2 AFL therapy were compared. 28 cases were with the use of prophylactic antibiotics and 201 cases were without the use of prophylactic antibiotics. We found that there was no significant association between the use of antibiotics and the prevention of topical skin infection in cases treated with CO2 AFL therapy (p=1). Therefore, we conclude that the omission of prophylactic antibiotics is not associated with an increased risk of infection and recommend that prophylactic antibiotics should not be indicated in the setting of routine CO2 AFL therapy for patients with hypertrophic burn scars.

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