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Does mental illness in adolescence/young adulthood predict intimate partner violence?

Experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV) are associated with a wide range of measures of poor mental health. While there is a body of evidence to suggest that IPV leads to poor mental health, there is some evidence to suggest the association between IPV and mental illness may be bi-directional. We take data from a long running cohort study to test the hypothesis that poor mental health experienced during the adolescent and young adult periods of the life course predict adult occurring IPV. At 14 years respondents were administered the Youth Self Report (YSR), and at 21 years they completed the Young Adult Self Report (YASR) as well as the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. At 30 years, respondents completed the Composite Abuse Scale (CAS), with five measures of IPV; Severe Combined Abuse, Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Harassment and Coercive Control. After adjustment for possible confounding, measures of delinquency and substance use disorder at 21 years predicted all forms of IPV. For example, in the fully adjusted data, substance use disorders to 21 years predict Severe Combined Abuse (2.30:1.15, 4.61), Physical Abuse (1.67:1.11, 2.52), and Coercive Control (1.74:1.14, 2.65) at 30 years. The findings raise the possible benefits of early intervention programs to reduce adult occurring IPV.

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