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Acute Metabolic Response, Neuromuscular Activity, and Mechanical Performance to Different Set.

The aim of this study was to examine the acute metabolic response, neuromuscular activity, and mechanical performance of different set configurations in bench-press (BP). Twenty-two resistance-trained men performed three resistance exercise protocols consisting of 3 x 12 BP repetitions at 60% 1RM, with 4 minutes of rest between sets, but with different set configurations: (a) traditional set (TS), without rest within the set; (b) cluster-6 (CS6), with 30-second intraset rest after the sixth repetition in each set; and (c) cluster-2 (CS2), with 30-second intraset rest every two repetitions. Mean propulsive force (MPF), velocity (MPV), power (MPP), and electromyography (EMG) values were recorded for each repetition. Blood lactate, maximal voluntary isometric BP contraction, and dynamic strength in BP were assessed pre- and post-exercise. The CS2 protocol resulted in greater mechanical performance (i. e. MPF, MPV, and MPP) and lower alterations of EMG parameters (i. e. root mean square and median frequency) during the exercise compared to CS6 and TS (TS<CS6<CS2). The CS2 protocol induced smaller increases in lactate compared to TS and CS6. No significant "protocol x time" interactions were observed for the MVIC (maximal voluntary isometric BP contraction) variables. Introducing short but frequent intraset rest periods alleviates training-induced fatigue assessed by better performance maintenance.

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