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Trends and future perspectives of 3D printing in prosthodontics.

The three-dimensional (3D) printing technology has led to transformative shift in prosthodontics. This review summarizes the evolution, processing techniques, materials, integration of digital plan, challenges, clinical applications and future directions of 3D printing in prosthodontics. It appraises from the launch of 3D printing to its current applications in prosthodontics. The convergence of printing technology with digital dentistry has facilitated the creation of accurate, customized prostheses, redefining treatment planning, design, and manufacturing processes. The progression of this technology is from generating models to prosthesis like-fixed dental prosthesis (FDP), implants, and splints. Additionally, it exhibits more wide capabilities. The exploration of materials for 3D printing provides various options like polymers, ceramics, metals, and hybrids, each with distinctive properties that are applicable to different clinical scenarios. The combination of 3D-printing technology and digital workflow simplifies the processes of data transfer, computer-aided design (CAD) design to fabrication, decreasing errors and chairside time. The clinical benefits include enhanced accuracy, comfort, conservative lab procedures, and economics. Challenges in the technology involve significant aspects like initial investment, material availability, and skill requirements. Future trends emphasize on research for improved materials, bioprinting integration, artificial intelligence (AI) application, regularization efforts to ensure safe and common use of the technology. 3D printing offers promise in prosthodontics, addressing challenges through research. The material improvements will promote its broader adoption and revolutionize the future of dental rehabilitation.

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