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Uncovering the role of the subcommissural organ in early brain development through transcriptomic analysis.

Biological Research 2024 July 27
BACKGROUND: The significant role of embryonic cerebrospinal fluid (eCSF) in the initial stages of brain development has been thoroughly studied. This fluid contains crucial molecules for proper brain development such as members of the Wnt and FGF families, apolipoproteins, and retinol binding protein. Nevertheless, the source of these molecules remains uncertain since they are present before the formation of the choroid plexus, which is conventionally known as the primary producer of cerebrospinal fluid. The subcommissural organ (SCO) is a highly conserved gland located in the diencephalon and is one of the earliest differentiating brain structures. The SCO secretes molecules into the eCSF, prior to the differentiation of the choroid plexus, playing a pivotal role in the homeostasis and dynamics of this fluid. One of the key molecules secreted by the SCO is SCO-spondin, a protein involved in maintenance of the normal ventricle size, straight spinal axis, neurogenesis, and axonal guidance. Furthermore, SCO secretes transthyretin and basic fibroblast growth factor 2, while other identified molecules in the eCSF could potentially be secreted by the SCO. Additionally, various transcription factors have been identified in the SCO. However, the precise mechanisms involved in the early SCO development are not fully understood.

RESULTS: To uncover key molecular players and signaling pathways involved in the role of the SCO during brain development, we conducted a transcriptomic analysis comparing the embryonic chick SCO at HH23 and HH30 stages (4 and 7 days respectively). Additionally, a public transcriptomic data from HH30 entire chick brain was used to compare expression levels between SCO and whole brain transcriptome. These analyses revealed that, at both stages, the SCO differentially expresses several members of bone morphogenic proteins, Wnt and fibroblast growth factors families, diverse proteins involved in axonal guidance, neurogenic and differentiative molecules, cell receptors and transcription factors. The secretory pathway is particularly upregulated at stage HH30 while the proliferative pathway is increased at stage HH23.

CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the SCO has the capacity to secrete several morphogenic molecules to the eCSF prior to the development of other structures, such as the choroid plexus.

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