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Journal Article
Evaluation and management of hypertensive emergency.
BMJ : British Medical Journal 2024 July 26
Hypertensive emergencies cause substantial morbidity and mortality, particularly when acute organ injury is present. Careful and effective strategies to reduce blood pressure and diminish the effects of pressure-mediated injury are essential. While the selection of specific antihypertensive medications varies little across different forms of hypertensive emergencies, the intensity of blood pressure reduction to the target pressure differs substantially. Treatment hinges on balancing the positive effects of lowering blood pressure with the potential for negative effects of organ hypoperfusion in patients with altered autoregulatory mechanisms. When patients do not have acute organ injury in addition to severe hypertension, they benefit from a conservative, outpatient approach to blood pressure management. In all cases, long term control of blood pressure is paramount to prevent recurrent hypertensive emergencies and improve overall prognosis. This review discusses the current evidence and guidelines on the evaluation and management of hypertensive emergency.
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