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The Centrality of Humiliation in Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.

Victims of traumatic events that involve repeated interpersonal aggression and low or no chance of escape frequently report intense Self-Conscious Emotions (SCEs), such as Shame, Guilt, and Humiliation. Humiliation is the reaction to a forced loss of status and is hypothesized to have unique contributions to the development and maintenance of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD). However, previous studies did not include humiliation or did not simultaneously probe the relative contribution of each SCE to posttraumatic symptoms. This study aimed to investigate the dynamics between specific SCEs and trauma-related symptomatology in the general population who suffered a form of complex trauma. Four hundred forty-nine people (77.11% women) exposed to domestic violence and sexual abuse answered an online survey. We investigated whether each emotion would accurately predict probable PTSD and CPTSD levels above the proposed cutoff. We estimated a network model to understand the dynamics of their interactions and whether the traumatic event type would moderate relationships between SCEs and posttraumatic stress symptoms, comparing networks of two types of complex trauma. No SCE predicted PTSD, but humiliation was a predictor of CPTSD while controlling for Shame and Guilt. Humiliation was also the most central SCE domain in the networks of both traumatic events. Our results stress the relevance of Humiliation to understanding posttraumatic stress symptoms and the necessity to consider humiliation when studying the emotional processing in complex trauma.

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