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Challenges in posttransplantation care for kidney transplant recipients: A qualitative study highlighting gaps in psychological, social and exercise support.

BACKGROUND: Kidney transplantation offers meaningful health improvements compared to dialysis, yet the quality of life and life expectancy of kidney transplant recipients still lag behind those of their healthy peers. Physical inactivity and poor physical fitness are prevalent among kidney transplant recipients, affecting overall life participation.

OBJECTIVES: To explore challenges hindering life participation for kidney transplant recipients and reveal facilitators and barriers to integrating rehabilitation into their daily lives.

DESIGN: An explorative study using a qualitative method.

PARTICIPANTS: Fourteen purposively selected kidney transplant recipients.

APPROACH: Semistructured, individual interviews were conducted posttransplantation. The following topics were covered: living with chronic kidney disease, pretransplantation challenges, posttransplantation recovery, engagement in various activities, including physical activity, and the need for supervised exercise rehabilitation programmes. Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim, and an inductive thematic analysis approach was used.

FINDINGS: Data saturation occurred after analysing 12 interviews, revealing two main themes: the impact on life participation and the impact on physical and mental functioning. Participants expressed the need for comprehensive posttransplant care, including mental health support, family education and guidance on returning to work. Structured support in managing physical fitness, tailored to individual preferences, was also recognised as important.

CONCLUSIONS: The study underscores the necessity for a biopsychosocial approach to posttransplant care that addresses the multifaceted challenges faced by kidney transplant recipients. A multidisciplinary approach, tailored support, education and individualised exercise programmes are crucial for enhancing their overall well-being and integrating rehabilitation into their daily lives, considering both physical and psychosocial aspects.

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