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Increased Trend of Adenovirus Activity After the COVID-19 Pandemic in South Korea: Analysis of National Surveillance Data.

The adenovirus detection rate is <10% throughout the year in South Korea; however, during the summer of 2023, it showed an unusual increase. We analyzed the adenovirus detection rate using data from the Korea Respiratory Integrated Surveillance System before and after coronavirus disease (COVID-19) collected from 2019 to week 36 of 2023. Before the COVID-19 outbreak in 2019, the mean detection rate was 8.2%, which decreased to 6.1% during the COVID-19 pandemic from 2020 to 2022. In 2023, the mean detection rate was 14.3% in week 36 and the highest in week 34, at 42.2%, and adenovirus was predominantly detected in the summer. The detection rate by age group showed substantially high activity among 0-12-yr-olds after the pandemic. This age group had a steady mean rate of 9.5% during the pandemic, without seasonality. In 2023, the detection rate surged in the 0-6-yr and 7-12-yr age groups, peaking at 61.6% and 57.1%, respectively. The dominant epidemic serotypes were HAdV-1 and HAdV-2 during and HAdV-3 after the pandemic. The multifaceted non-pharmaceutical interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic considerably impacted the prevalence of common respiratory viruses and complicated respiratory virus patterns after the pandemic. Constant surveillance is crucial for epidemic preparedness to monitor the possible surge of certain respiratory viruses.

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