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Insufficient evidence for an association between iatrogenic Alzheimer's disease and cadaveric pituitary-derived growth hormone.

A Nature Medicine paper published in January 2024 describes eight cases of iatrogenic Alzheimer's disease in individuals who received cadaveric pituitary-derived human growth hormone. The paper's conclusions argue for the transmissibility of Alzheimer's disease, which, if true, would create a significant public health crisis. For example, neurosurgical practices would require substantial revision, and many individuals who have undergone neurosurgical procedures would now be at considerable risk of Alzheimer's disease. A detailed review of the presented cases reveals that they do not have Alzheimer's disease, and there are alternative explanations for the cognitive decline described. In people with progressive cognitive decline, the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease requires a demonstration of amyloid and tau pathology or amyloid and tau biomarkers. Extensive tau pathology is not demonstrated, and some also lack amyloid beta pathology. The cases described in this paper do not meet the criteria for dementia due to Alzheimer's disease by clinical and pathological standards. HIGHLIGHTS: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease has been transmitted by cadaveric growth hormone. There is no evidence for the transmission of Alzheimer's disease by cadaveric growth hormone. There is no evidence that Alzheimer's disease is transmissible.

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