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Controversies and practical management of patients with gout and chronic kidney disease.

Uric acid is a toxin retained with advancing kidney disease. Clinical manifestations of hyperuricemia include gout and systemic inflammation that are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular mortality. As many as one-third of all patients with chronic kidney disease have a history of gout, yet <25% of these patients are effectively treated to target serum urate levels of ≤6 mg/dl. A major reason for ineffective management of gout and hyperuricemia is the complexity in managing these patients, with some medications contraindicated and others requiring special dosing, potential drug interactions, and other factors. Consequently, many nephrologists do not primarily manage gout despite it being a common complication of chronic kidney disease, leaving management to the primary physician or rheumatologist. We believe that kidney specialists should consider gout as a major complication of chronic kidney disease and actively manage it in their patients. Here, we present insights from nephrologists and rheumatologists for a team approach to gout management that includes the nephrologist.

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