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Genetic Polymorphisms in Cardiovascular Disease: Effects Across Three Generations Exposed to Radiation from the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site.

The population in the areas neighboring the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site (SNTS) in the eastern region of Kazakhstan faces increased cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. Previous research has not explored gene polymorphisms related to CVD in this population. Therefore, the present study examines the prevalence of six CVD-associated genotypes in three generations exposed to SNTS radiation. The genotyping of ApoE Leu28 → Pro, AGT Met174 → Thr, AGT Met235 → Thr, eNOS T786 → C, PON1 Gln192 → Arg, and EDN 1 Lys198 → Asn was performed using real-time polymerase chain reaction. The present study encompassed a cohort of 218 participants with a familial history of arterial hypertension and/or carotid artery disease spanning at least three generations. The analysis unveiled significant disparities in the prevalence of ApoE Leu28 → Pro, eNOS T786 → C, and PON1 Gln192 → Arg genotypes across different generations. Furthermore, a substantial variation in the distribution of the eNOS T786 → C genotype was observed between individuals of Kazakh and Russian ethnicities. Nevertheless, no significant discrepancies were detected in the frequencies of the investigated genotypes between genders. Further research in this area is warranted to enhance the understanding of the genetic factors contributing to CVD in the population exposed to radiation from the SNTS. Specifically, future studies should broaden the scope of genetic polymorphisms investigated and include representatives of healthy individuals who have not been exposed to radiation as controls.

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