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Investigating adverse daily life effects following a psychosocial laboratory stress task, and the moderating role of Psychopathology.

Laboratory stress tasks are necessary to closely investigate the stress response in a controlled environment. However, to our knowledge, no study has tested whether participating in such tasks can pose any daily life adverse effect. Fifty-three healthy participants (46 women) took part in a laboratory session where stress was induced using a typical psychosocial stressor: the repeated Montreal Imaging Stress Task (rMIST). Average levels of negative affect (NA), heart rate (HR), root mean square of successive differences (RMSSD), and skin conductance level (SCL), as well as reactivity across all these parameters as measured with the experience sampling method (ESM) in the four days prior to the laboratory session were compared with the four days following the session. We also assessed whether vulnerability to psychopathology moderated these associations. Findings showed that the task did not pose any significant adverse effect on participants. However, there was an unexpected increase in average RMSSD and a decrease in average SCL pre- to post- task. In addition, more vulnerable individuals were more likely to experience an increase in average levels of NA in the days following the task compared to the days preceding it. Our findings suggest that laboratory stress tasks may pose a significant risk to more vulnerable individuals.

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