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Sexual support and education for adults with mild intellectual disabilities: a Delphi study on multiple perspectives.

BACKGROUND: Providing appropriate sexual support and education for adults with mild intellectual disabilities (IDs) is a source of considerable debate, resulting in diverse, non-funded and potentially adverse practices. This study aims to identify a consensus among experts regarding what conditions are conducive to successful sexual support and education for adults with mild IDs.

METHODS: A Delphi study was conducted with 13 experts, including experts-by-experience, relatives, support staff, psychologists and sexologists. Qualitative data on the conditions for sexual support and education were gathered in the first round and thematically analysed. In the following three quantitative rounds, consensus was achieved using Likert-type response scales and participants' feedback.

RESULTS: Round 1 resulted in 82 conditions on six themes: 'the necessary attitude', 'requirements', 'approach to delivering sexual support and education', 'appropriate providers', 'settings and timing' and 'effective collaboration with the network'. In the following three quantitative rounds, the experts reached consensus on 68 conditions distributed across the six themes.

CONCLUSIONS: The six themes highlight conducive conditions for successful sexual support and education for adults with mild IDs, emphasising the significance of a safe and supportive environment, comprehensive educational programmes, and the promotion of autonomy and protection. The consensus-based findings have distinct implications for practice and future research.

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