Journal Article
Randomized Controlled Trial
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Early nutritional influences on brain regions related to processing speed in children born preterm: A secondary analysis of a randomized trial.

BACKGROUND: Processing speed is a foundational skill supporting intelligence and executive function, areas often delayed in preterm-born children. The impact of early-life nutrition on gray matter facilitating processing speed for this vulnerable population is unknown.

METHODS: Magnetic resonance imaging and the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-IV Processing Speed Index were acquired in forty 5-year-old children born preterm with very low birth weight. Macronutrient (grams per kilogram per day) and mother's milk (percentage of feeds) intakes were prospectively collected in the first postnatal month and associations between early-life nutrition and the primary outcome of brain regions supporting processing speed were investigated.

RESULTS: Children had a mean (SD) gestational age of 27.8 (1.8) weeks and 45% were male. Macronutrient intakes were unrelated, but mother's milk was positively related, to greater volumes in brain regions, including total cortical gray matter, cingulate gyri, and occipital gyri.

CONCLUSION: First postnatal month macronutrient intakes showed no association, but mother's milk was positively associated, with volumetric measures of total and regional cortical gray matter related to processing speed in preterm-born children. This exploratory analysis suggests early-life mother's milk supports processing speed by impacting structural underpinnings. Further research is needed on this potential strategy to improve preterm outcomes.

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