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The Novel Fusion Protein Melittin-MIL-2 Exhibits Strong Antitumor Immune Effect in Lung Adenocarcinoma Cell A549.

In previous studies, we developed a novel fusion protein named "melittin-MIL-2" which exhibited more anti-tumor activity. However, it remains unclear whether melittin-MIL-2 possesses antitumor immune effect on lung adenocarcinoma. In this study, the immune effect and mechanism of melittin-MIL-2 inhibiting the growth and invasion of lung adenocarcinoma will be investigated, in order to provide novel perspectives for the immunotherapy of lung cancer. The results indicated that melittin-MIL-2 promoted T cell proliferation, enhanced NK cell cytotoxicity, and boosted IFN-γ secretion in PBMCs. After melittin-MIL-2 stimulation, perforin expression and LAK/NK-like killing activities of human PBMCs and NK cells were significantly enhanced. Melittin-MIL-2 is capable of hampering the development and proliferation of lung adenocarcinoma cell A549. ICAM-1 and Fas expression in A549 cells exposed to melittin-MIL-2 rose significantly. The expression levels of TLR8 and VEGF in A549 cells decreased significantly after melittin-MIL-2 stimulation. In vivo, melittin-MIL-2 substantially impeded the growth of lung adenocarcinoma and formed an immune-stimulating microenvironment locally in tumor tissues. In conclusion, the novel fusion protein melittin-MIL-2 exhibits strong anti-tumor immune effect in lung adenocarcinoma cell A549 via activating the LFA-1/ICAM-1 and Fas/FasL pathways to enhance cytolytic activity, upregulating the secretion of IFN-γ and perforin, and boosting LAK/NK-like killing activities. Immuno-effector cells and their secreted cytokines can form immune stimulation microenvironment locally in lung adenocarcinoma Lewis mice tissue.

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