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Renal Access in Pediatric Supine Miniaturized Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: Comparative Evaluation of Ultrasound-Fluoroscopy Combined and Biplanar (0°-90°) Fluoroscopic Techniques.

Introduction: Ultrasound (US)-guided puncture has the benefits of avoiding radiation and limiting the risk of visceral injury. We aimed to evaluate the results of two different renal access techniques during pediatric supine mini percutaneous nephrolithotomy (smPCNL) in a comparative manner. Patients and Methods: Data obtained from pediatric patients undergoing smPCNL by single surgeon between September 2021 and 2023 were reviewed retrospectively. Children were divided into two groups namely; biplanar 0°-90° fluoroscopy (Group-F) and US-fluoroscopy combined (Group-C). In all cases, preoperative, operative, and postoperative findings were recorded. Success was defined as the determination of either no (complete stone-free status) or < 4 mm residual fragments (CIRF) on US and X-ray (postoperative 3rd month) images. Complications were evaluated according to modified Clavien-Dindo classification. Results: Data of 54 patients with a mean age of 8.6 years (Group-F = 30, Group-C = 24) are reviewed. In addition to the similar success rates in both groups (Group-F = 86.7% Group-C = 87.5% p = 0.928), similar minor complications were noted in the majority of the cases. No child required transfusion and/or angioembolization. Although the fluoroscopy and operation time were lower in Group-C, the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion: US-fluoroscopy combined access technique can be applied with similar success and complication rates in pediatric smPCNL. Ultimately, as experience is gained, this technique may lower radiation exposure, although this was not observed in the current study.

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