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Identifying Predictor Variables for a Composite Risk Prediction Tool for Gestational Diabetes and Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy: A Modified Delphi Study.
Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) 2024 July 8
A composite cardiometabolic risk prediction tool will support the systematic identification of women at increased cardiometabolic risk during pregnancy to enable early screening and intervention. This study aims to identify and select predictor variables for a composite risk prediction tool for cardiometabolic risk (gestational diabetes mellitus and/or hypertensive disorders of pregnancy) for use in the first trimester. A two-round modified online Delphi study was undertaken. A prior systematic literature review generated fifteen potential predictor variables for inclusion in the tool. Multidisciplinary experts (n = 31) rated the clinical importance of variables in an online survey and nominated additional variables for consideration (Round One). An online meeting (n = 14) was held to deliberate the importance, feasibility and acceptability of collecting variables in early pregnancy. Consensus was reached in a second online survey (Round Two). Overall, 24 variables were considered; 9 were eliminated, and 15 were selected for inclusion in the tool. The final 15 predictor variables related to maternal demographics (age, ethnicity/race), pre-pregnancy history (body mass index, height, history of chronic kidney disease/polycystic ovarian syndrome, family history of diabetes, pre-existing diabetes/hypertension), obstetric history (parity, history of macrosomia/pre-eclampsia/gestational diabetes mellitus), biochemical measures (blood glucose levels), hemodynamic measures (systolic blood pressure). Variables will inform the development of a cardiometabolic risk prediction tool in subsequent research. Evidence-based, clinically relevant and routinely collected variables were selected for a composite cardiometabolic risk prediction tool for early pregnancy.
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