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Journal Article
Renal and Genitourinary Ultrasound Evaluation in Emergency and Critical Care: An Overview.
Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) 2024 July 7
Renal and genitourinary ultrasound are fundamental resources employed by emergency and critical care healthcare providers to make prompt diagnoses and perform ultrasound-guided procedures. At the bedside, ultrasound can aid in the diagnosis of relevant pathologies, such as post-renal obstruction or kidney stones, and life-threatening conditions such as aortic dissection or hemoperitoneum. A narrative overview was performed, providing an updated review of renal and genitourinary ultrasound for emergency and critical care healthcare providers, emphasizing its advantages and the latest advances in the field. A thorough summary that can be utilized as a guide for emergency and critical care healthcare providers is presented. The daily hemodynamic management of critically ill patients involves the implementation of new protocols, such as VexUS or the evaluation of the renal resistance index. The role of ultrasound in managing acute nephropathy and genitourinary issues is increasingly crucial given its bedside availability, thus this imaging modality not only facilitates the initiation of therapeutic interventions but also provides swift prognostic insights that are vital to provide tailored patient care. As further advances in ultrasound will arise, it is important for healthcare providers to foster the use of these technologies capable of improving patient outcomes.
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