Journal Article
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Current Concepts in the Epigenetic Regulation of Cardiac Fibrosis.

Cardiac fibrosis is a significant driver of congestive heart failure, a syndrome that continues to affect a growing patient population globally. Cardiac fibrosis results from a constellation of complex processes at the transcription, receptor, and signaling axes levels. Various mediators and signaling cascades, such as the transformation growth factor-beta pathway, have been implicated in the pathophysiology of cardiac tissue fibrosis. Our understanding of these markers and pathways has improved in recent years as more advanced technologies and assays have been developed, allowing for better delineation of the crosstalk between specific factors. There is mounting evidence suggesting that epigenetic modulation plays a pivotal role in the progression of cardiac fibrosis. Transcriptional regulation of key pro- and anti-fibrotic pathways can accentuate or blunt the rate and extent of fibrosis at the tissue level. Exosomes, micro-RNAs, and long non-coding RNAs all belong to factors that can impact the epigenetic signature in cardiac fibrosis. Herein, we comprehensively review the latest literature about exosomes, their contents, and cardiac fibrosis. In doing so, we highlight the specific transcriptional factors with pro- or anti-fibrotic properties. We also assimilate the data supporting these mediators' potential utility as diagnostic or prognostic biomarkers. Finally, we offer insight into where further work can be done to fill existing gaps to translate pre-clinical findings better and improve clinical outcomes.

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