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TIMP-1 Promotes Expression of MCP-1 and Macrophage Migration by Inducing Fli-1 in Experimental Liver Fibrosis.

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) plays a role in the excessive generation of extracellular matrix in liver fibrosis. This study aimed to explore the pathways through which TIMP-1 controls monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) expression and promotes hepatic macrophage recruitment.

METHODS: Liver fibrosis was triggered through carbon tetrachloride, and an adeno-associated virus containing small interfering RNA targeting TIMP-1 (siRNA-TIMP-1) was administered to both rats and mice. We assessed the extent of fibrosis and macrophage recruitment. The molecular mechanisms regulating macrophage recruitment by TIMP-1 were investigated through transwell migration assays, luciferase reporter assays, the use of pharmacological modulators, and an analysis of extracellular vesicles (EVs).

RESULTS: siRNA-TIMP-1 alleviated carbon tetrachloride-induced liver fibrosis, reducing macrophage migration and MCP-1 expression. Co-culturing macrophages with hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) post-TIMP-1 downregulation inhibited macrophage migration. In siRNA-TIMP-1-treated HSCs, microRNA-145 (miRNA-145) expression increased, while the expression of Friend leukemia virus integration-1 (Fli-1) and MCP-1 was inhibited. Downregulation of Fli-1 led to decreased MCP-1 expression, whereas Fli-1 overexpression increased MCP-1 expression within HSCs. Transfection with miRNA-145 mimics reduced the expression of both Fli-1 and MCP-1, while miRNA-145 inhibitors elevated the expression of both Fli-1 and MCP-1 in HSCs. miRNA-145 bound directly to the 3'-UTR of Fli-1, and miRNA-145-enriched EVs secreted by HSCs after TIMP-1 downregulation influenced macrophage recruitment.

CONCLUSIONS: TIMP-1 induces Fli-1 expression through miRNA-145, subsequently increasing MCP-1 expression and macrophage recruitment. MiRNA-145-enriched EVs from HSCs can transmit biological information and magnify the function of TIMP-1.

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