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Exploring the efficacy of sense of Okayness (SOK) as an antidote for stress in older adults: the role of SOK elevation intervention, heart rate variability (HRV), and cognitive performance in stressful and relaxing situations.
Sense of Okayness (SOK) is an emerging concept that describes a person's ability to remain stable and unshaken in the face of life transitions and hardships. This quality enables effective stress regulation and heightened tolerance to uncertainty. To investigate the possible role of the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) in mediating the relationship between SOK and stress regulation among older individuals, an analytical sample of N = 69 participants (74% women) with a mean age of 78.75 years (SD age = 6.78) was recruited for a standardized cognitive assessment and stress induction. Baseline heart rate variability (HRV), measured via electrocardiogram (ECG), and SOK assessments were conducted prior to stress induction, along with a baseline cognitive evaluation. Subsequently, participants were subjected to a psychosocial stress paradigm, followed by either a 30-minute SOK elevation intervention (n = 40) or a control condition with nature sounds (n = 29). A second cognitive assessment was administered post-intervention, with continuous HRV measurement through ECG. The results revealed significant HRV changes due to the experimental intervention, though no significant differences were observed between the SOK intervention and control groups. Interestingly, individuals with high trait SOK displayed more stable HRV trajectories, exhibiting a smaller decline during the stress intervention and a milder increase during both the stressor and SOK intervention phases. Overall, these findings do suggest a significant association between SOK, parasympathetic activity, and stress reactivity. These results prompt further investigation into whether personality patterns, such as a strong SOK, may be linked to reduced vagal reactivity and better coping in old age.
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