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Breaking Down the Barriers of Drug Resistance and Corneal Permeability with Chitosan-Poly(ethylene glycol)-LK 13 Peptide Conjugate to Combat Fungal Keratitis.

Fungal keratitis (FK) is a leading cause of preventable blindness and eye loss. The poor antifungal activity, increased drug resistance, limited corneal permeability, and unsatisfactory biosafety of conventional antifungal eye drops are among the majority of the challenges that need to be addressed for currently available antifungal drugs. Herein, this study proposes an effective strategy that employs chitosan-poly(ethylene glycol)-LK13 peptide conjugate (CPL) in the treatment of FK. Nanoassembly CPL can permeate the lipophilic corneal epithelium in the transcellular route, and its hydrophilicity surface is a feature to drive its permeability through hydrophilic stroma. When encountering fungal cell membrane, CPL dissembles and exposes the antimicrobial peptide (LK13 ) to destroy fungal cell membranes, the minimum inhibitory concentration values of CPL against Fusarium solani ( F. solani ) are always not to exceed 8 μg peptide/mL before and after drug resistance induction. In a rat model of Fusarium keratitis, CPL demonstrates superior therapeutic efficacy than commercially available natamycin ophthalmic suspension. This study provides more theoretical and experimental supports for the application of CPL in the treatment of FK.

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