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The effect of Transcendental Meditation on self-esteem, self-efficacy, and gratitude, for increasing empowerment of female youth in Uganda.

This longitudinal study with female youth in the slums of Kampala, Uganda ( n = 130 ), explored the impact of the Transcendental Meditation® (TM®) technique on self-esteem, the primary outcome measure, and self-efficacy, gratitude, hope, tiredness, and resilience as secondary outcomes. Quality-of-life behaviors were also assessed, including excessive alcohol use. After baseline testing participants learned TM over five consecutive days. Participants practiced TM at home for 20 min twice a day and attended two follow-up sessions. Post-testing occurred at five months. Significant improvements in self-esteem ( p < .001 ), self-efficacy ( p < .001 ), gratitude ( p < .001 ), and tiredness ( p = .05 ) were found. A decrease in excessive alcohol use was also observed ( p = .02 ). At eight months a short answer questionnaire showed improved physical health, decreased stress and anxiety levels, and improved relationships in the family and community. Our findings have important implications for enhancing the well-being and empowerment of these vulnerable female youth.

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