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Rash caused by lurasidone in old chinese patient with bipolar disorder: case-based review.

BMC Psychiatry 2024 July 8
BACKGROUND: Rash is one of common adverse drug reaction and which have been reported in typical and atypical antipsychotics. Reports of lurasidone induced skin reactions are sparse. In this study, we report a case of rash caused by lurasidone.

CASE PRESENTATION: A 63-year-old man with bipolar disorder (BD) who is treated by lurasidone. However, the patient presents a rash all over after lurasidone dose increasing from 40 mg/day to 60 mg/day. With the diagnosis of drug induced rash, lurasidone was discontinued, and the rash complete disappears within 2 weeks. In addition, all case reports about antipsychotics associated rash were reviewed by searching English and Chinese database including Pubmed, Embase, Cochrane Library, CNKI and Wanfang database. A total of 139 articles contained 172 patients were included in our study. The literature review and our case suggest that the cutaneous adverse events caused by antipsychotic drugs should not be ignored, particularly for the patient who was first use or at dose increasing of antipsychotic.

CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, we report a case of lurasidone related rash and review rash caused by antipsychotics. Psychiatrists should be alert to the possibility of the rash caused by antipsychotics, especially the patient was first use of antipsychotics or the antipsychotic dose was increasing.

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