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The impact of female sex hormones on cardiovascular disease: from mechanisms to hormone therapy.

Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of mortality in women, yet it has not raised the awareness from the public. The pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease differs significantly between females and males concerning the effect of sex hormones. Estrogen and progestogen impact cardiovascular system through genomic and non-genomic effects. Before menopause, cardiovascular protective effects of estrogens have been well described. Progestogens were often used in combination with estrogens in hormone therapy. Fluctuations in sex hormone levels, particularly estrogen deficiency, were considered the specific risk factor in women's cardiovascular disease. However, considerable heterogeneity in the impact of hormone therapy was observed in clinical trials. The heterogeneity is likely closely associated with factors such as the initial time, administration route, dosage, and formulation of hormone therapy. This review will delve into the pathogenesis and hormone therapy, summarizing the effect of female sex hormones on hypertension, pre-eclampsia, coronary heart disease, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, and cardiovascular risk factors specific to women.

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