Case Reports
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Neuropathologic findings in a patient with hemiparkinsonism and hemiatrophy syndrome.

The first postmortem neuropathological findings of a hemiparkinsonism and hemiatrophy (HPHA) patient are presented. A 50-year-old man developed resting tremors affecting the right hand and leg, followed by mild clumsiness of the right hand. On examination, he exhibited muscle atrophy of the right leg extremity, accompanied by right-sided parkinsonism. Brain magnetic resonance imaging was normal. Based on the clinical and radiological findings, HPHA syndrome was diagnosed, showing a good response to L-DOPA. He gradually developed muscular atrophy of the right distal upper extremity. Thirteen years after the onset of the disease, left-sided parkinsonism appeared. The patient died of Trousseau's syndrome associated with a rapidly emerging pancreatic tumor. The total duration of the disease was 14 years. Neuropathologically, the substantia nigra showed markedly left-predominant neuronal loss, along with almost symmetrical Lewy body (LB) pathology. These findings indicated that the patient originally had fewer neurons in the left substantia nigra than in the right, probably caused by congenital or childhood cerebral injury, followed by the development of unilateral parkinsonism due to the progression of LB pathology. Despite our extensive neuropathological analysis, we could not specify the etiology or anatomical substrate responsible for the development of right upper and lower extremity atrophy. Further clinicopathological studies are needed to elucidate the pathoanatomical areas causing hemiparkinsonism and hemiatrophy.

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