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Targeted pH-responsive biomimetic nanoparticle-mediated starvation-enhanced chemodynamic therapy combined with chemotherapy for ovarian cancer treatment.

In recent years, the use of arsenic trioxide (ATO) in the context of ovarian cancer chemotherapy has attracted significant attention. However, ATO's limited biocompatibility and the occurrence of severe toxic side effects hinder its clinical application. A nanoparticle (NP) drug delivery system using ATO as a therapeutic agent is reported in this study. Achieving a synergistic effect by combining starvation therapy, chemodynamic therapy, and chemotherapy for the treatment of ovarian cancer was the ultimate goal of this system. This nanotechnology-based drug delivery system (NDDS) introduced arsenic-manganese complexes into cancer cells, leading to the subsequent release of lethal arsenic ions (As3+ ) and manganese ions (Mn2+ ). The acidic microenvironment of the tumor facilitated this process, and MR imaging offered real-time monitoring of the ATO dose distribution. Simultaneously, to produce reactive oxygen species that induced cell death through a Fenton-like reaction, Mn2+ exploited the surplus of hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) within tumor cells. Glucose oxidase-based starvation therapy further supported this mechanism, which restored H2 O2 and lowered the cellular acidity. Consequently, this approach achieved self-enhanced chemodynamic therapy. Homologous targeting of the NPs was facilitated through the use of SKOV3 cell membranes that encapsulated the NPs. Hence, the use of a multimodal NDDS that integrated ATO delivery, therapy, and monitoring exhibited superior efficacy and biocompatibility compared with the nonspecific administration of ATO. This approach presents a novel concept for the diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer.

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