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A Postmortem Case Report involving Fentanyl, Desalkylgidazepam and Bromazolam.

The emergence of new psychoactive substances (NPS) and the number of new chemically diverse substances in the global illicit drug market have significantly increased over the last few years. Designer benzodiazepines are some of the most misused NPS worldwide, contributing to both nonfatal and fatal drug overdose cases. The use of desalkylgidazepam and bromazolam has recently emerged, and their prevalence has been internationally reported. In this study, we quantified desalkylgidazepam and bromazolam using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) in the postmortem specimens of a subject found deceased due to suspected drug overdose. A 24-year-old white male with a history of drug use was found unresponsive and not breathing in his home with drug paraphernalia nearby. A yellow powdery substance and prescription tablets were also found at the scene. The GC-MS analysis of the postmortem blood and urine samples confirmed the presence of fentanyl, desalkylgidazepam, and bromazolam. The desalkylgidazepam concentration was 1100 ng/mL in the blood, which was higher than previous reports in the literature, and estimated to be 89 ng/mL in the urine. The bromazolam concentration was 352 ng/mL in the blood and estimated to be 398 ng/mL in the urine. Additionally, fentanyl was detected in the blood (11 ng/mL) and fentanyl, norfentanyl, and gabapentin were detected in the urine. The present study aims to provide the toxicological community with information regarding a fit-for-purpose analysis of two NPS benzodiazepines.

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