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'We can be a family again, but different than before'. A single-case study on therapeutic interventions that initiated a recovery process in a family after the disclosure of sibling sexual behavior.

Disclosures of sibling sexual behavior (SSB) usually affect all family members but there remains, however, a paucity in studies on therapeutical family interventions and how they can initiate changes in families. This study was designed to explore relational impacts of SSB disclosures, goals for therapy and interventions that helped a family initiate the recovery process after a SSB disclosure. A single case study design was used to analyze a family's long-term therapy process. Data on this N = 1 study comprised 18 interviews with involved therapists, five interviews with involved family members, therapy files, and notes on family sessions. Data was analyzed using a thematic approach. Relational traumas were experienced in broken relationships, relationships under pressure and damaged trust between family members. Therapy goals were to (1) recreate family's safety, (2) help the family process the SSB consequences and (3) restore trust and search for relationship healing. Appropriate interventions to target the goals included individual-centered psycho trauma treatment as well as interventions for the parents, the involved siblings, and the uninvolved siblings, followed by sessions between the involved siblings and with the whole family. Therapy outcomes were found in reduced individual trauma symptoms, a recreated sense of family safety, the start of relational trauma processing, and newfound forms of sibling/family relationships. This study provides a unique and comprehensive insight into a family's healing process after SSB disclosures from the perspectives of both professionals and family members. The effective interventions identified in this study may provide tools for therapists working with these families. This study may also offer greater insights into both the abusive and mutual types of SSB.

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