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Human Papilloma Virus-Independent/p53abnormal Keratinizing Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix Associated With Uterine Prolapse.

Knowledge about the morphologic and molecular characteristics of cervical squamous cell carcinomas (CSCCs) associated with uterine prolapse is very limited. Detailed histopathological and immunohistochemical (p16, p53, and cytokeratin 17), as well as molecular evaluation for human papillomavirus (HPV)-DNA and p53-mutational analyses in 4 consecutive CSCCs associated with uterine prolapse with definition of a hitherto not well-described HPV-independent/p53abnormal precursor lesion (HPV-independent cervical intraepithelial neoplasia [CIN; differentiated CIN]) and molecular tumorigenetic pathway. Cases diagnosed within 7 years with a mean age of 75 (range: 69-83) years and a mean tumor size of 7.3 cm (range: 5.2-9.4 cm). All patients presented with locally advanced disease, and 1 woman died of the disease within 4, and another within 14 months of follow-up. All CSCCs and their adjacent precursor lesions were negative for p16, with aberrant p53-expression and diffuse and strong staining for cytokeratin 17. Both the CSCCs and their precursors were negative for HPV-DNA but harbored a TP53 mutation. The precursor lesions were characterized by epithelial thickening with superficial keratinization, and the presence of basal and parabasal keratinocytes with mitotic figures beyond the basal layer, thus showing features similar to those seen in differentiated types of vulvar intraepithelial lesions (vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia [VIN] syn. HPV-independent/p53abn VIN), suggesting the terminology of differentiated CIN or HPV-independent/p53abn CIN. An HPV-independent pathogenetic pathway with a p53-alteration was identified for these cases. CSCC associated with uterine prolapse represents HPV-independent tumors harboring a TP53 mutation. For the first time, a precursor lesion of HPV-independent CSCC of the uterine cervix is described with a differentiated VIN-like morphology, and a separate tumorigenic pathway defined.

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