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Points2Regions: Fast, interactive clustering of imaging-based spatial transcriptomics data.

Imaging-based spatial transcriptomics techniques generate data in the form of spatial points belonging to different mRNA classes. A crucial part of analyzing the data involves the identification of regions with similar composition of mRNA classes. These biologically interesting regions can manifest at different spatial scales. For example, the composition of mRNA classes on a cellular scale corresponds to cell types, whereas compositions on a millimeter scale correspond to tissue-level structures. Traditional techniques for identifying such regions often rely on complementary data, such as pre-segmented cells, or lengthy optimization. This limits their applicability to tasks on a particular scale, restricting their capabilities in exploratory analysis. This article introduces "Points2Regions," a computational tool for identifying regions with similar mRNA compositions. The tool's novelty lies in its rapid feature extraction by rasterizing points (representing mRNAs) onto a pyramidal grid and its efficient clustering using a combination of hierarchical and k $$ k $$ -means clustering. This enables fast and efficient region discovery across multiple scales without relying on additional data, making it a valuable resource for exploratory analysis. Points2Regions has demonstrated performance similar to state-of-the-art methods on two simulated datasets, without relying on segmented cells, while being several times faster. Experiments on real-world datasets show that regions identified by Points2Regions are similar to those identified in other studies, confirming that Points2Regions can be used to extract biologically relevant regions. The tool is shared as a Python package integrated into TissUUmaps and a Napari plugin, offering interactive clustering and visualization, significantly enhancing user experience in data exploration.

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