Journal Article
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Advancements in Surgical Management of Megaureters.

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: To review and describe the recent evolution of surgery for the various types of pediatric megaureter.

RECENT FINDINGS: Megaureter management first relies on determining the underlying cause, whether by obstruction, reflux, or a combination, and then setting appropriate surgical indications because many cases do not require surgery as shown by observation studies. Endoscopic balloon dilation has been on the rise as a major treatment option for obstructive megaureter, while refluxing megaureters can also be treated by laparoscopic and robotic techniques, whether extravesically or transvesicoscopically. During ureteral reimplantation, tapering is sometimes necessary to address the enlarged ureter, but there are also considerations for not tapering or for tapering alternatives. Endoscopic and minimally invasive surgeries for megaureter have been the predominant focus of recent megaureter literature. These techniques still need collaborative prospective studies to better define which surgeries are best for patients needing megaureter interventions.

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