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Integrin-Linked Kinase in the Development of Gastric Tumors Induced by Helicobacter pylori: Regulation and Prevention Potential.

BACKGROUND: Integrin-linked kinase (ILK) is crucial in solid tumors by regulating the Hippo-Yes-associated protein 1 (YAP) pathway. This study aimed to uncover how Helicobacter pylori influences ILK levels and its role in regulating YAP during H. pylori-induced gastric cancer.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: GES-1 cells with stable Ilk knockdown and overexpression and a mouse carcinogenesis model for H. pylori infection were constructed. And ILK, the phosphorylated mammalian STE20-like protein kinase 1 (MST1), large tumor suppressor 1 (LATS1; S909, T1079), and YAP (S109, S127) were detected in cells, and mice by western blotting, as well as fluorescence intensity of YAP were assayed by immunofluorescence. YAP downstream genes Igfbp4 and Ctgf, the pathological changes and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-1beta (IL-1β), and nitric oxide (NO) levels in mice gastric tissues were detected by real-time PCR, H&E, and ELISA assays.

RESULTS: In this study, stable Ilk knockdown cells exhibited significantly higher phosphorylated levels of MST1, LATS1, and YAP, as well as increased YAP in the nuclei of GES-1 cells. Conversely, cells with Ilk overexpression showed opposite results. H. pylori infection led to decreased ILK levels in gastric epithelial cells but increased ILK levels in gastric cancer cell lines (MGC803, SGC7901) and gastric cancer tissues in mice. Treatment with the ILK inhibitor OST-T315 elevated the phosphorylated MST, LATS1, and YAP levels, and inhibited the mRNA levels of Igfbp4 and Ctgf at 44, 48 week-aged mice. OST-T315 also reduced the release of TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β, and NO, as well as the progression of gastric cancer caused by H. pylori and N-Nitroso-N-methylurea (NMU) treatment.

CONCLUSION: Upon initiation of gastric tumorigenesis signals, H. pylori increases ILK levels and suppresses Hippo signaling, thereby promoting YAP activation and gastric cancer progression. ILK can serve as a potential prevention target to impede H. pylori-induced gastric cancer.

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