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Bone Turnover Markers and Wnt Signaling Modulators in Early Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. A Pre-specified Observational Study.
Calcified Tissue International 2024 July 1
To explore serum levels of some bone turnover markers and the involvement of the Wnt signaling in CRPS-1. Query ID="Q1" Text="Please check and confirm whether the edit made to the article title is in order." We conducted an observational study on patients with early CRPS-1 recruited before any treatment. Clinical measures were assessed together with biochemical evaluation. Values of sclerostin, DKK1, CTX-I, and P1NP were compared with sex-age-matched healthy controls (HCs). We enrolled 34 patients diagnosed with CRPS-1 (mean age 59.3 ± 10.6 years, Male/Female 10/24), median disease duration = 2 weeks (IQR 1-5); median VAS score = 76 (IQR 68-80). Foot localization was slightly more frequent than hand localization (18/16). No statistically significant difference was found between CRPS-1 patients and HCs for CTX-I (0.3 ± 0.1 ng/ml vs 0.3 ± 0.1, p = 0.140), while mean serum values of P1NP were significantly higher in CRPS-1 patients compared to HCs (70.0 ± 38.8 ng/ml vs 50.1 ± 13.6, p = 0.005). Mean levels of sclerostin and DKK1 were lower in CRPS-1 patients vs HCs (sclerostin 28.4 ± 10.8 pmol/l vs 34.1 ± 11.6, p = 0.004; DKK1 12.9 ± 10.8 pmol/l vs 24.1 ± 11.9, p = 0.001). No statistically significant difference was found for all biochemical assessments in a subgroup of fracture-induced CRPS-1. No statistically significant differences were observed according to disease localization, disease duration, presence of hyperalgesia, allodynia, sudomotor alterations, and mild or moderate/severe swelling. No significant correlation emerged between sclerostin, DKK1 levels, baseline VAS score, or McGill Pain Questionnaire score. Bone involvement in early CRPS-1 does not seem to rely on increased osteoclast activity. Conversely, a serum marker of bone formation resulted increased. Both Sclerostin and DKK1 showed decreased values, probably suggesting a widespread osteocyte loss of function.Trial registration number: Eudract Number: 2014-001156-28.
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