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An Applied Model of Interprofessional Collaboration-Assessment (AMIC-A): A Process-Based Approach to Augmentative and Alternative Communication.

Speech-language pathologists and board-certified behavior analysts both provide important support services to children who are candidates for augmentative and alternative communication. Current assessment practices neglect critical socioecological factors that are necessary to inform communication-based interventions. By leveraging the unique knowledge, research, and expertise of both disciplines, an interprofessional approach to assessment may help realize individualized or precision interventions and personalized supports that address the unique communication needs of each person. The purpose of this article is to introduce a process-based approach to assessment called the "Applied Model of Interprofessional Collaboration-Assessment (AMIC-A)." The AMIC-A will be defined and detailed including the rationale for development, a description of the approach, and recommendations for implementation. A case study example is provided to illustrate implementation of the AMIC-A.

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