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Intracerebellar administration of the chemokine Cxcl3 reduces the volume of medulloblastoma lesions at an advanced stage by promoting the migration and differentiation of preneoplastic precursor cells.

Brain Pathology 2024 June 30
The prognosis for many pediatric brain tumors, including cerebellar medulloblastoma (MB), remains dismal but there is promise in new therapies. We have previously generated a mouse model developing spontaneous MB at high frequency, Ptch1+/- /Tis21-/- . In this model, reproducing human tumorigenesis, we identified the decline of the Cxcl3 chemokine in cerebellar granule cell precursors (GCPs) as responsible for a migration defect, which causes GCPs to stay longer in the proliferative area rather than differentiate and migrate internally, making them targets of transforming insults. We demonstrated that 4-week Cxcl3 infusion in cerebella of 1-month-old mice, at the initial stage of MB formation, forces preneoplastic GCPs (pGCPs) to leave lesions and differentiate, with a complete suppression of MB development. In this study, we sought to verify the effect of 4-week Cxcl3 treatment in 3-month-old Ptch1+/- /Tis21-/- mice, when MB lesions are at an advanced, irreversible stage. We found that Cxcl3 treatment reduces tumor volumes by sevenfold and stimulates the migration and differentiation of pGCPs from the lesion to the internal cerebellar layers. We also tested whether the pro-migratory action of Cxcl3 favors metastases formation, by xenografting DAOY human MB cells in the cerebellum of immunosuppressed mice. We showed that DAOY cells express the Cxcl3 receptor, Cxcr2, and that Cxcl3 triggers their migration. However, Cxcl3 did not significantly affect the frequency of metastases or the growth of DAOY-generated MBs. Finally, we mapped the expression of the Cxcr2 receptor in human MBs, by evaluating a well-characterized series of 52 human MBs belonging to different MB molecular subgroups. We found that Cxcr2 was variably expressed in all MB subgroups, suggesting that Cxcl3 could be used for therapy of different MBs.

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