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Design and deployment of the STEEER-AF trial to evaluate and improve guideline adherence: A cluster-randomised trial by the European Society of Cardiology and European Heart Rhythm Association.

AIMS: To describe the rationale, design, delivery and baseline characteristics of STEEER-AF (Stroke prevention and rhythm control Treatment: Evaluation of an Educational programme of the European Society of Cardiology [ESC] in a cluster-Randomised trial in patients with Atrial Fibrillation).

METHODS & RESULTS: STEEER-AF is a pragmatic trial designed to objectively and robustly determine whether guidelines are adhered to in routine practice, and evaluate a targeted educational programme for healthcare professionals. Seventy centres were randomised in 6 countries (France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and United Kingdom; 2022-2023). STEEER-AF centres recruited 1732 patients with a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation (AF), with mean age 68.9 years (SD 11.7), CHA2DS2-VASc score 3.2 (SD 1.8) and 647 (37%) women. 843 patients (49%) were in AF and 760 (44%) in sinus rhythm at enrolment. Oral anticoagulant therapy was prescribed in 1,543 patients (89%), with the majority receiving direct oral anticoagulants (1,378; 89%). Previous cardioversion, antiarrhythmic drug therapy or ablation was recorded in 836 patients (48.3%). 551 patients (31.8%) were currently receiving an antiarrhythmic drug, and 446 (25.8%) were scheduled to receive a future cardioversion or ablation. The educational programme engaged 195 healthcare professionals across centres randomised to the intervention group, consisting of bespoke interactive online learning and reinforcement activities, supported by national expert trainers.

CONCLUSION: The STEEER-AF trial was successfully deployed across six European countries to investigate guideline adherence in real-world practice, and evaluate if a structured educational programme for healthcare professionals can improve patient-level care.


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