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Replenishment of TCA cycle intermediates and long-noncoding RNAs regulation in breast cancer.

The tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle is an essential interface that coordinates cellular metabolism and is as a primary route determining the fate of a variety of fuel sources, including glucose, fatty acid and glutamate. The crosstalk of nutrients replenished TCA cycle regulates breast cancer (BC) progression by changing substrate levels-induced epigenetic alterations, especially the methylation, acetylation, succinylation and lactylation. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNA) have dual roles in inhibiting or promoting energy reprogramming, and so altering the metabolic flux of fuel sources to the TCA cycle, which may regulate epigenetic modifications at the cellular level of BC. This narrative review discussed the central role of the TCA cycle in interconnecting numerous fuels and the induced epigenetic modifications, and the underlying regulatory mechanisms of lncRNAs in BC.

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