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An In Vivo Radiologic Description of Periacetabular Vascularization in a Healthy Subject and a Literature Review of its Clinical Implications.

The aim of this study is to provide a radiologic description of periacetabular vascularization. A computed tomography angiography was used to analyze the vascularization patterns of the periacetabular region, describing for the first time "in vivo" the periacetabular branches of the superior and inferior gluteal artery, obturator artery, and of the medial circumflex femoral artery. The analysis revealed the possibility of visualizing clearly all the previously described vessels of the aforementioned arteries. Both acetabular and supra-acetabular arteries, the rami of the OA directed to the lamina quadrilateral, and the rami of the IGA directed to the posterior wall were identified. In conclusion, understanding the periacetabular vascularization patterns is pivotal for effective clinical decision-making in pelvic trauma, and conservative and reconstructive surgery of the hip. The radiologic description provided in this study, along with the associated literature review, offers valuable insights into the clinical implications of periacetabular vascularization.

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