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Explaining the influence of practice on the grooved pegboard times of older adults: role of force steadiness.

The purpose was to identify the variables that can explain the variance in the grooved pegboard times of older adults categorized as either fast or slow performers. Participants (n = 28; 60-83 years) completed two experimental sessions, before and after 6 practice sessions of the grooved pegboard test. The 2 groups were identified based on average pegboard times during the practice sessions. Average pegboard time during practice was 73 ± 11 s for the fast group and 85 ± 13 s for the slow group. Explanatory variables for the pegboard times before and after practice were the durations of 4 peg-manipulation phases and 12 measures of force steadiness (coefficient of variation [CV] for force) during isometric contractions with the index finger abductor and wrist extensor muscles. Time to complete the grooved pegboard test after practice decreased by 25 ± 11% for the fast group and by 28 ± 10% for the slow group. Multiple regression models explained more of the variance in the pegboard times for the fast group before practice (Adjusted R2  = 0.85) than after practice (R2  = 0.51), whereas the variance explained for the slow group was similar before (Adjusted R2  = 0.67) and after (Adjusted R2  = 0.64) practice. The explanatory variables differed between before and after practice for the fast group but only slightly for the slow group. These findings indicate that performance-based stratification of older adults can identify unique adjustments in motor function that are independent of chronological age.

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