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Barriers to conservative kidney management for Japanese healthcare professionals involved in the treatment of end-stage renal disease.
Clinical and Experimental Nephrology 2024 June 25
BACKGROUND: Conservative kidney management (CKM) is a treatment alternative for patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). Despite the increasing population of elderly dialysis patients in Japan, CKM is not as readily available compared with that in North America and Europe. Therefore, it is important to clarify the barriers to CKM in Japan.
METHODS: We interviewed 11 experts to explore their beliefs and issues regarding CKM. Based on the interviews, we categorized the CKM barriers into eight categories and created a 24-item questionnaire. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 112 medical professionals involved in ESKD management. To investigate the types of barriers, we conducted an exploratory factor analysis using the questionnaire results.
RESULTS: Responses were obtained from 53 (47.3%) of 112 subjects (18 doctors, 29 nurses, 6 clinical engineers), with 94.3% considering CKM as a treatment option for ESKD. Factor analysis categorized the questions into the following: (1) Lack of palliative care experience, (2) Ethics and responsibility, (3) Patient's problem, (4) Dialog with patients and families, and (5) Lack of support system. Regarding barriers to CKM, "lack of experience in palliative care" and "lack of support system" scored the highest, and "ethics and responsibility" scored the lowest.
CONCLUSIONS: Barriers to CKM may be classified into five factors, with "lack of experience in palliative care" and "lack of support system" being the important barriers to overcome. Additionally, most healthcare professionals consider CKM as the fourth option for renal replacement therapy.
METHODS: We interviewed 11 experts to explore their beliefs and issues regarding CKM. Based on the interviews, we categorized the CKM barriers into eight categories and created a 24-item questionnaire. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 112 medical professionals involved in ESKD management. To investigate the types of barriers, we conducted an exploratory factor analysis using the questionnaire results.
RESULTS: Responses were obtained from 53 (47.3%) of 112 subjects (18 doctors, 29 nurses, 6 clinical engineers), with 94.3% considering CKM as a treatment option for ESKD. Factor analysis categorized the questions into the following: (1) Lack of palliative care experience, (2) Ethics and responsibility, (3) Patient's problem, (4) Dialog with patients and families, and (5) Lack of support system. Regarding barriers to CKM, "lack of experience in palliative care" and "lack of support system" scored the highest, and "ethics and responsibility" scored the lowest.
CONCLUSIONS: Barriers to CKM may be classified into five factors, with "lack of experience in palliative care" and "lack of support system" being the important barriers to overcome. Additionally, most healthcare professionals consider CKM as the fourth option for renal replacement therapy.
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