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SEOM-GEMCAD-TTD clinical guidelines for the adjuvant treatment of colon cancer (2023).
Clinical & Translational Oncology 2024 June 24
Colorectal cancer (CRC) has a 5-year overall survival rate of over 60%. The decrease in the rate of metastatic disease is due to screening programs and the population's awareness of healthy lifestyle. Similarly, advancements in surgical methods and the use of adjuvant chemotherapy have contributed to a decrease in the recurrence of resected disease. Before evaluating a patient's treatment, it is recommended to be discussed in a multidisciplinary tumor board. In stage II tumors, the pathologic characteristics of poor prognosis must be known (T4, number of lymph nodes analyzed less than 12, lymphovascular or perineural invasion, obstruction or perforation, poor histologic grade, presence of tumor budding) and it is mandatory to determine the MSI/MMR status for avoiding administering fluoropyridimidines in monotherapy to patients with MSI-H/dMMR tumors. In stage III tumors, the standard treatment consists of a combination of fluoropyrimidine (oral or intravenous) with oxaliplatin for 6 months although the administration of CAPOX can be considered for 3 months in low-risk tumors. Neoadjuvant treatment is not consolidated yet although immunotherapy is achieving very good preliminary results in MSI-H patients. The use of ctDNA to define the treatment and monitoring of resected tumors is only recommended within studies. These guidelines are intended to help decision-making to offer the best management of patients with non-metastatic colon cancer.
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