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Intermittent fasting and cardiovascular disease: A scoping review of the evidence.

Intermittent fasting (IF), characterized by alternating periods of fasting and unrestricted eating, typically within an 8-hour window or less each day, has gained significant attention as a possible dietary approach. While it is recognized for its metabolic advantages, like weight loss and enhanced glucose and insulin sensitivity, its effect on cardiovascular health remains a topic of mixed opinions. Recent findings suggest a potential downside, with reports indicating a concerning association: a 91 % higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality compared to eating spread across a 12- to 16-hour period. Despite this alarming statistic, the evidence cannot establish a causal link. The impact of IF on CVD is still insufficiently understood, with benefits sometimes exaggerated and risks downplayed in popular discourse. This scoping review aims to consolidate the current evidence, addressing unresolved questions about the benefits and risks of IF, particularly its association with CVD risks and mortality. The goal is to provide a balanced perspective on the potential health implications of IF, emphasizing the need for further research to clarify its long-term effects on cardiovascular health.

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