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Cardiovascular complications during pregnancy: Advancing cardio-obstetrics.

As the incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) continues to rise among women of childbearing age, the pregnant population with pre-existing heart conditions presents a complex and heterogeneous profile. These women face varying degrees of risk concerning maternal cardiovascular, obstetric, and fetal complications. Effectively managing adverse cardiovascular events during pregnancy presents substantial clinical challenges. The uncertainties surrounding diagnostic and therapeutic approaches create a dynamic landscape with potential implications for maternal and fetal health. Cardio-obstetrics has become increasingly recognized as a vital multidisciplinary field necessitating a collaborative approach to managing cardiovascular conditions during pregnancy. In this review, we aim to provide a thorough and up-to-date examination of the existing evidence, offering a comprehensive overview of strategies and considerations in the management of cardiovascular complications during pregnancy. Special emphasis is placed on the safety assessment of diagnostic procedures and the exploration of treatment options designed to prioritize the well-being of the mother and fetus. We also explore the significance of a multidisciplinary cardio-obstetrics team in providing comprehensive care for women of childbearing age with or at risk for CVD.

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