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Colorectal cancer.

Lancet 2024 July 20
Despite decreased incidence rates in average-age onset patients in high-income economies, colorectal cancer is the third most diagnosed cancer in the world, with increasing rates in emerging economies. Furthermore, early onset colorectal cancer (age ≤50 years) is of increasing concern globally. Over the past decade, research advances have increased biological knowledge, treatment options, and overall survival rates. The increase in life expectancy is attributed to an increase in effective systemic therapy, improved treatment selection, and expanded locoregional surgical options. Ongoing developments are focused on the role of sphincter preservation, precision oncology for molecular alterations, use of circulating tumour DNA, analysis of the gut microbiome, as well as the role of locoregional strategies for colorectal cancer liver metastases. This overview is to provide a general multidisciplinary perspective of clinical advances in colorectal cancer.

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