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In vivo study of the behavior of glass ionomer restorations in patients with special needs.
Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal 2024 June 22
BACKGROUND: Glass ionomers may be a good alternative to composite resin restorations in special needs patients with challenging behaviours. The present study was carried out to evaluate the restorative efficacy of glass ionomer in the occlusal cavities of permanent molars among patients with special needs after one year of follow-up.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: A randomized split-mouth study was made of a cohort of patients with special needs. First and second permanent molars with occlusal caries were treated with glass ionomer, silver amalgam and composite resin. Assessments were made at 3, 6 and 12 months, using a scale based on the original code of Ryge and the USPHS criteria.
RESULTS: A total of 34 patients and 102 restorations comprised the study sample. The survival rate of both the glass ionomer and silver amalgam was 100%, versus 97.1% in the case of composite resin. The glass ionomer afforded good marginal adaptation and stable color, with no fractures or secondary caries.
CONCLUSIONS: The glass ionomer remained successfully for one year in the occlusal cavities of the permanent molars, with the same survival rate as silver amalgam, and better survival than composite resin, in the patients with special needs.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: A randomized split-mouth study was made of a cohort of patients with special needs. First and second permanent molars with occlusal caries were treated with glass ionomer, silver amalgam and composite resin. Assessments were made at 3, 6 and 12 months, using a scale based on the original code of Ryge and the USPHS criteria.
RESULTS: A total of 34 patients and 102 restorations comprised the study sample. The survival rate of both the glass ionomer and silver amalgam was 100%, versus 97.1% in the case of composite resin. The glass ionomer afforded good marginal adaptation and stable color, with no fractures or secondary caries.
CONCLUSIONS: The glass ionomer remained successfully for one year in the occlusal cavities of the permanent molars, with the same survival rate as silver amalgam, and better survival than composite resin, in the patients with special needs.
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