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Anemia and iron metabolism disorders after single anastomosis sleeve ileal (SASI) bypass. Is it a real problem?

PURPOSE: SASI (single anastomosis sleeve ileal) bypass can lead to nutritional deficiencies, including disorders of iron metabolism and anemia. This study aims to evaluate the effect of SASI bypass on weight loss, anemia, and iron deficiency in patients with obesity during the follow-up period.

METHODS: This study is a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data from patients who underwent SASI bypass at our hospital between January 2020 and February 2022.

RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 42 years (range 22-58). The average duration of the follow-up period was 26 months. The mean percentage of excess weight loss (%EWL) was 90.1%, and total weight loss (%TWL) was 30.5%. During the postoperative observation period, anemia was identified in ten patients (25%), comprising 70% with normocytic anemia, 10% with microcytic anemia, and two macrocytic anemia cases (20%). Iron deficiency was observed in two patients (5%).

CONCLUSION: SASI bypass is an effective bariatric procedure in weight loss outcomes. However, there may be an increased risk of anemia and iron metabolism disruptions associated with this procedure. The common limb length (250 vs. 300 cm) did not significantly impact hemoglobin, iron, TIBC, ferritin levels, or anemia incidence among patients undergoing SASI bypass. The decrease in postoperative ferritin levels signifies a depletion in tissue iron reserves, thereby emphasizing the necessity for surveillance of iron homeostasis parameters following SASI bypass.

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