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Improving management of first and second stages of labour in low- and middle-income countries.

Labour care must balance aspirations of parents with vigilance for unanticipated calamities. The 'on-site midwife-led primary care birth unit' facilitates this. The World Health Organization have replaced the traditional partograph with the 'Labour Care Guide'. An implementation project in Botswana included the mnemonic COPE: Companion, Oral fluids, Pain relief and Eliminate the supine position. The Parto-Ma project in Tanzania used guidelines, training and support to improve childbirth outcomes. We list labour practices supported by recent evidence, and highlight new developments. Foetal macrosomia increases risk but mistaken diagnosis increases caesarean births. Obstructed labour is a complex clinical diagnosis, and is difficult to predict. For shoulder dystocia prioritise delivery of the posterior shoulder, facilitated if needed by posterior axilla sling traction. 'Extended balloon labour induction' with two or three Foley catheters side by side, may reduce risks associated with uterine stimulants. Bedside ultrasound may facilitate the diagnosis of cephalic malpositions and malpresentations.

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