Journal Article
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Embracing a New Evidence-Based Thought Paradigm of Sepsis.

In 1991, sepsis was first defined by the Society of Critical Care Medicine as the systemic inflammatory response syndrome, in the presence of infection. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome is an adaptive host response to infection, as well as to other insults like trauma and stress. Research pertaining to sepsis was guided by this adaptive definition for 25 years. After established guidelines for sepsis management were challenged in 2014, sepsis was redefined in 2016 as a dysregulated host response to infection. However, there still remains no consensus on which immunologic or metabolic mechanisms have become dysregulated. We sought to examine sepsis literature published after the 2016 consensus definition and compare it to the original systemic inflammatory response syndrome paradigm proposed in 1991. The purpose of this intensive analysis was to recommend a new sepsis archetype, with consideration to dysregulated immunologic and metabolic mechanisms that have recently been identified in sepsis. Nurses and other clinicians must shift their thought paradigm toward an evidence-based dysregulated model, in order to improve on sepsis recognition and management.

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